Well folks,
It's been a while and I know I've been very quiet but I thought you'd forgive me the indulgence of this wee post, for you see, my job has taken me to the USofA for a couple of weeks.
Thanks to a horrendous journey from Brisbane to Atlanta via a long stop-over in Los Angeles Airport, I found myself taking the opportunity to find those most sexy of people, Brad and Ange, out and about doing some shopping around Beverly Hills.
Unfortunately, I arrived as the shops were closing, so I had to make do with driving about in my rented car - or as I referred to it, "The Pimp-Mobile":

After a couple of hours driving about Santa Monica Boulevard...
...Rodeo Drive...
...and of course Beverly Hills...
...star spotting really did start to get a wee bit tiresome, so it was back to the Hilton Hotel, LA airport, for some dinner and drinks before heading off on the next leg of the trip.
Gosh, those paparazzi have got it tough, eh?!
Shame that the shops were closed. You can see how disappointed I am outside Tiffanys. Phew - that was close!

Next up: Going deep, DEEP South. South Georgia stylee.
Y'All come back now, y'hear?!